I hold a Research Scientist position at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where I receive a steady salary and my research is not beholden to any specific company. I write and speak on a range of topics I care about, and when I do, I represent no one except myself. I’m in compliance with my employer’s disclosure and conflict of interest policies, and will remain so.
Occasionally, I collect royalties from the sale of books or articles. I’m committed to making my research and writing available online for free and only rarely make exceptions. I sometimes earn speaking fees and/or receive travel expenses for running workshops or speaking at an event. For this I am represented by Leading Authorities. I have been paid to consult on matters related to my work, although only rarely.
When I am paid to speak or write an article, I will contract as to subject matter (e.g. robotics, intellectual property, etc.), but not as to substance. If I mention or use any products or services in my work, it’s because I deem them appropriate. I don’t shill for anyone.
I’m co-owner of a creative collective called Bad Idea Factory. It was started for fun, not profit (our bylaws are a good overview.) I don’t have specific investments (aside from index investments, the details of which I do not keep track of.)
Any other relevant activities outside of MIT or financial interests that could bias my work will be continuously disclosed on this site. (Last update: October 2022)
This disclosure statement follows the practice of scholars like Lawrence Lessig and David Weinberger.